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Yishi Foods

Company: Yishi Foods

Category: Chicago / Midwest, Current, Food / Bev

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Inspired by traditional Eastern food wisdom, Yishi (formerly Crave Natural) is a functional breakfast brand that meets the nutritional and wellness needs of modern consumers. Yishi products aim to support sustained energy, skin health, calmness, and alertness. Yishi is the Chinese word for ritual — nourishing your body with whole, functional foods is more than just routine, it is truly a ceremonious event.

Yishi’s newest products are a line of functional breakfast foods. Inspired by traditional Chinese recipes with amazing ingredients and properties, Yishi oatmeals come in a variety of flavors including Red Berry Bean, Matcha Latte, Taro Bubble Tea, Toasted black Sesame, and Sweet Osmanthus.

Yishi products are available at retailers such as Amazon, Whole Foods, and your local natural grocery store.

Yishi (as Crave Natural) was a finalist in the 2020 New Venture Challenge at the Chicago Booth School of Business.

Yi Shi Foods Website